how to view photographs
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i have been involved in photography for many decades and have professional canon SLR equipment both in film and digital. i can create unique photos tailored to your web site that will enhance the appearance and message you wish to put forth.
i can service your photography needs for your web site if needed with...
yup, that's me. well, actually 5 of me. this was a totally in-camera created image on film. no photoshop involved here.
it was pretty easy to create actually. i set it up in a hallway with the camera mounted on a tripod. my camera has a wireless remote, which i used to trigger a 10 second long shutter release. i turned the light in the hallway off, released the shutter and then manually popped off a burst on a handheld flash unit.
this flash recycles very quickly and i moved slightly every 2 seconds while doing another flash every 2 seconds also. see, not too difficult.